In over 43 year of our existence, we have watched from generation to generation, as Mathematics rose from just being a classroom exercise into becoming the tool for veritable change in Nigeria. We assemble scholars and researcher of Mathematics to share ideas and enhance existing results in interesting areas of research annually. Join us to keep this discipline alive.
The Nigerian Mathematical Society is the officially recognised society mathematics Society by the International Mathematics Union. A global recognition that accord members of NMS the priviledge of up-to-date information about happenings in the global stage in the discipline.
NMS is recognised by African Mathematical Union as a member organisation operating in Nigeria.
The members of other mathematical societies globally often seek verification from the Nigerian Mathematical Society on membership status of individuals (of Nigerian origin) seeking membership of their respective association.
The Nigerian Mathematical Society holds conferences annually, which brings together members of the academic communities and those practicing outside such communities, to create avenues for presentations of recent findings in mathematics and related disciplines.
Seminars and workshops usually come up at about the same period of the year when the annual conferences of NMS hold. Technological fair where companies and individuals can showcase their findings to potential customers are also encourages.
Members of the Society are often co-opted into advisory teams/committees by governments and other organisations within Nigeria.
JNMS provides a means of communication and exchange of ideas among workers in mathematical sciences (mathematics, mathematical physics, statistics, computer science), and offers an effective method of bringing new results quickly to the public.
coming soon
Membership is expected to renewed annually at the expiration of their membership. Each membership year ends on the next September 30th after payment. Payments are made on the online portal and certificates are generated instantly.
New Members: N9000.00
Existing Members: N8000.00
Existing Student Members: N5000.00
New Student Members: N4500.00
To register, click on the link
The NMS holds her annual conferences annually around May each year. Changes may occurs sometimes depending of the Local Organisers' disposition. Visit the website regularly to get updates on conferences and other events of the society.
JNMS provides a means of communication and exchange of ideas among workers in mathematical sciences (mathematics, mathematical physics, statistics, computer science), and offers an effective method of bringing new results quickly to the public. By doing so the journal establishes an informal vehicle enabling the field of mathematical sciences to be understood in a broad sense. It will include theoretical and experimental results, and fundamental and practical research.
This journal is published 3 times a years
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
In February 1980, a total of six two (62) mathematicians from almost all existing Nigerian Universities, Colleges of Technology (now Polytechnic and colleges of Education) inaugurated the Nigerian Mathematical Society (NMS) at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The organization, devoted to the promotion, dissemination and application of researches in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences has grown over the years to be a reputable and formidable academic society recognized not only in Africa, but also all over the world. The Nigerian Mathematical Society has reciprocity agreements with established mathematical society like the American Mathematical Society (AMS), London Mathematical Society, and others in Europe.
The aim of the society is to promote
mathematical research and application through:
i. holding of conference, symposia, workshops, etc,
ii. publishing of Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society (JNMS) and other publications of high quality,
iii. awarding of prizes for outstanding mathematical research especially to young mathematicians and
iv. cooperating/affiliating with other bodies with similar aims as those of the society.
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Members of the Council of Nigerian Mathematical Society are elected during some Annual General Meetings of the Society every to fill the vacant positions created by the outgoing Council members of the society.
Per Annum
Members who have been duly registered and wish to renew membership at the expiration of the membership year
Per Annum
For individuals who wish to belong to the Nigerian Mathematical Society and have not been registered before as member.
per annum
Existing Student Members who have been duly registered and wish to renew membership at the expiration of the membership year
Per Annum
Non- Members who have not been duly registered and wish to register for membership for the first time.
42nd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Mathematical Society
The hosting of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Mathematical Society has been temporarily awarded to Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU), Ikot Akpaden.
The 41st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Mathematical Society ended successfully